Audio Listens Autumn 1997

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treeMeir Shalev, The Blue Mountain

As a child, my only exposure to Jewish culture (that I remember) was the All-of-a-Kind family series. (Its author's surname is Taylor, but not Mildred, because she's Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, which was one of my few exposures to the experience of blacks in the American South.) Anyway, The Blue Mountain hints of magical realism without ever becoming unreal; and of course, Guidall has that perfect voice; and where else would I learn about kibbutzes?
Read by George Guidall
December 1997

treePauline Gedge, The Eagle and the Raven

I read this thick novelized account of the Roman takeover of Britain several years ago. It will be a relaxing and pleasant read, as long as the library has replaced the faulty tapes that aborted my first attempt. It's immense, though. I am now (971025) on my first renewal and only beginning the second part. I am listening at every moment: I used to wait to don my headphones until I was on the bus, but now I do so leaving my house; I used to take them off when I arrived at my floor, but now I wait until I enter my cube; I listen in the fifteen minutes between work and class, between class and the gym, and while baking and vacuuming when listening to books used to be purely for my commute.
It is the first time I have deliberately listened to a Books on Tape production instead of Recorded Books Incorporated. It is much less slick; sometimes I can hear the reader turning the page. Also I don't need to have yawns and chuckles acted out for me. It hasn't turned me off yet though: melodramatic or not it's a great story.
Read by Donada Peters
21 November 1997

treeA.S. Byatt, The Game

I believe this is the first in the quatrology whose third volume, The Babel Tower, is the latest published. I figure if I read this, then The Virgin in the Garden and Still Life, I'll be ready for The Babel Tower. And by then I'll know which one doesn't belong. I'll begin it next week

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Last modified 9 January 1998

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