Recent Audio Listens, Summer 1996

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I have to look up this novel's author. I chose it because I had just listened to I, Claudius (obviously); and Claudius hated Tiberius and his son Caligula (no surprise there), and I wanted another viewpoint. From what scant bits I remember from Ancient and Medieval History, Tiberius was no lovebug; and (from slightly more racy sources) neither was Caligula. I think whoever wrote this wrote this did so in reaction to I, Claudius.
Recorded books incorporated, narrated by George Guidall
September 1996

Robert Graves, I, Claudius

After Robert Graves appears briefly in Pat Barker's Regeneration, I remembered him as the author of what I recalled to be one of CLH's favorite books (turns out she denies this). So when I saw it in audio I seized it. I began this on the plane going home, but have you noticed how loud planes are? Instead I watched the country go by beneath me instead, and saw Lake Michigan for the first time. This book died on the last reel, which was really frustrating but forced me to find it in paper to see if it was written as it was narrated. And it was not; Graves did not write Claudius's stutter. You all who want to debate the meritorious interpretation of books into audio recordings, go find a private chat room, okay? An hysterical, an historical book (when I read British I spell British). I have to read his Goodbye to All That, which is about World War I and so, considering that I ran into him in a novel about World War I, kind of a tribute to Pat Barker. A paradox.
August 1996

J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

I began listening to this in June, but it took two months to finish it. Written for the ear. All the songs and poem well interpreted. Liking The Two Towers again (mostly because Gandalf returns). It came to me at just the right time, too, but that story belongs to its beginning.
June and July 1996

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Last modified 20 November 1997

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