This page (begun 19 April 1996) was last updated September 2006: Kim (Gould) Gasco, Will Kelly, Amy Latourette, Shaye McGann Robbins, and others began to plot a 20th reunion, and over Labor Day weekend (without Will's help, Will!) we got together. I hope everyone had as great a time as I did. Except I missed Jeff Harris and Ed Isenberg, whom I arrived too late on Friday to see. More details below.
The class of 1986 held a ten-year reunion in August 1986.
A-E |
F-K |
L-N |
P-Z |
Kathy Padegenis |
Mark Alfieri |
Bill Fitzgerald |
Walter Lee |
Christine Peeler |
Gregory Follansbee |
Kristen Perkins |
Michael Forenchak |
Judy Lewis |
Tina Perrino |
James Annello |
Nicole Fournier |
Jeffrey Linkemann |
Cristina Fragni |
Gregory Mason |
Nina Rennhard |
Vicky German |
Carrie Mayotte |
Kim Bickell |
Tony McCulloch |
Brian Rogers |
Peter McNulty |
Leslie Romeo |
Alison Boleski |
Sheila McTigue |
Kim Roy |
Jason Boremski |
Peter Haskell |
Walter Brennan |
Christine Hebert |
Guy Hess |
Anne Schmutz |
Hoa Hoang |
Stephanie Moore |
Erin Simpson |
William Moore |
Laura Sosnoski |
Scott Christy |
Lou-Ann Hundt |
Kelli Morgan |
Robert Hutchinson |
Stephanie Starses |
Jonathan Allen Cobb |
Ed Isenberg |
Robert Nelson |
Donna Summa |
Michael Cole |
Judy Noble |
Ron Swaney |
Mary Corbo |
James Keilty |
Stacey Symecko |
Scott Corey |
Beth Kelly |
Jamie Norton |
Matt Torrenti |
Bill Kelly |
Owen Trainor |
Lori Dapson |
Lisa Valle |
Jody DiCamillo |
William Kenyon |
Leonard Vidou |
Micky Dooley |
Antonia Viteritto |
Kenneth Kimball |
Kim Whitcomb |
Elizabeth Ely |
Steven Klimaszewski |
Chris Winters |
Patrick English |
Jennifer Kobar |
Kim Kyle |
Others who were with us for a while
(according to my own
sketchy, 20-years-on, and Center School-biased memory, or to last sightings
in yearbooks from 1980 to 1985)
Last appeared in Lymen '85 Betsey Gregory Last appeared in Lymen '83 Kelly Collins Last appeared in Lymen '81 Judy Collins |
Last appeared in Lymen '84 Keith Patriquinn Last appeared in Lymen '80 Jeff Alfieri |
Last appeared in Lymen '82 Jackie Appleby (St. Bernard's) |
Also: |
General Gossip:
Join Facebook already. More than 40 of our classmates belong.
Shaye forwarded this from an e-mail from Mimi Noyes: "Actually there was a mini reuion in OL this past Memorial Day [2002] started by Amy Latourette, Kim Gould (previously Evans, now Gasco). It was prompted by the New York and Washington events. A bit reminicent of losing Scott Corey for some folks. So several folks got together in Old Lyme and Essex--many with kids, although not me (still a kid although don't have them). John Bogucki (married, with one kid, a very good dad, California, CFO of a development company), Brian Greenho (married, beautiful child, and one little baby, Essex is home, and runs a stencil company), Kim Gould (one child from first marriage, lovely girl, an HR guru), Amy Latourette (lives in California, works at Spectrum Organics (organic olive oils etc.); Josh Katan (married and lives middle country somewhere, marketing and advertising guy) Jon-Paul (married, works for Special Olympics, very nice wife), Mike Gregory (married, kids, and a southern accent you wouldn't believe, runs a plant for International Paper), Tom Richardson (married to an Old Lyme alum whose name I don't remember, one child, a lawyer), Alan Ames, three kids, married to another Old Lyme alum and was suffering from a terrible staph infection that really had him in bad shape! Kim and Chris Aroh and if there were others I can't remember who, the memory is suddenly running into a high school one! It was fun, a good group of people to see again."
Shaye again: "In addition Vickie German Curran lives 35 minutes from Shaye in Portland, Maine with two beautiful girls-- I mean beautiful! I decorate my fridge with their images--and a very good guy named Stuart for a hubby. She works for L.L. Bean in layout and does photography and framing on the side--she is very talented. She and Stuey are building a house in Cumberland Maine in the next year or so."
Bruce Abraham married Kim Gray in June 1991. They live in Old Lyme and, in July of 1995, adopted Benjamin, who was born the previous February. Email Bruce: oldlymectATattDOTnet
Allen Ames
Email Allen: mames01{at}snet{dot}net
Kristin Anderson moved to Richmond, Virginia in 1989. There she met Neal Furgurson, whom she married on 18 June 1994. In October of 1999, Kristin wrote, "Our son Jacob Thomas Baker Furgurson was born 7-6-99." She is, as of April 2006, Business Manager for the VCU Mood Disorders Institute. Email: kmfurgursonATcoxDOTnet.
Jackie has been in D.C. since grad school. She is married and a product manager at a software company (I think. I lost the email.)
Chris Aroh
I'm pretty sure Chris Aroh and Kim Bickell are married. Email Chris:
Mike married Debbie, whom he met in college, in June 1994. As of September 2005, they live in Cromwell with their three-year-old son Jared and a black lab named Dakota. He spends most summer weekends in Westbrook and works at Hartford Financial Services, as the Director of Planning and Forecasting. Email: atwell_mikeATyahooDOTcom.
Kim Bickell
I'm pretty sure Kim Bickell and Chris Aroh are married.
Katie didn't make the reunion, but on the morning of that day I saw her older sister, Sarah, at the Old Lyme-Phoebe Griffin Noyes Library, with her two-year-old daughter, Maude. She told me Katie had recently been at the Olympics for the Women's Soccer events and is currently coaching soccer at the University of Michigan, where she lives with her husband, Patrick James O'Shaughnessy.
Dave didn't atend the reunion, but I spotted him at Mt. Snow in January of 1994. I had stopped to pet a dog (being dogless, I accost all Retrievers I see) and glanced up at the person sitting next to the dog's owner. Under the ski goggles, above the scarf, all that was visible was a wide grin. "Are you a Bocian?" I asked, knowing that grin. "Yes?" responded the surprised grinner. "Frank or David?" "David!" "Hi Dave, it's me, Lisa, class of '86." I love startling coincidences like that. He was working with his father in Berlin, CT, at the time.
John Bogucki
Email John: bogucki1ATsanDOTrrDOTcom
Heather Bryant
Heather lives in Los Angeles and is expecting a second child in February
2006. Email Heather: heather23bATmsnDOTcom
Ken lives in Brookline and works in Boston as a Sales and Marketing Manager at Kwik Kopy. This is probably no longer true, because his current phone number starts with 203. He has a son, Samuel, who was born in 18 May 1991.
Christine wrote to me 28 June 1999: With husband Rick Kubik, she two children
Matt (6 in 1999) and Katelynn (4 in 1999). Her email address is rkakedakATmagicnetDOTnet
and her snail address is
701 Montana Avenue
Saint Cloud Florida, 34769
Since the reunion in 96, I've been pretty busy. I finished my Master's degree in Architecture at the Univ. of Michigan in 1997 and got married the following year to John Adams (also an architect, no relation to either President). We lived for three years in NYC, got really sick of living there and recently moved to Seattle. (given the events of the previous week, I think our timing could not have been better). The firm I'm currently working for does high-end residential projects. It's a fun job. As for the spare time, John and I do some flyfishing on the weekends, and my brother Jon lives out here too so we get to see him frequently. Email Anne: jaonlineATsprynetDOTcom
Mark Curtiss, who was unable to attend, now works for the McKinley Group. Terri McFarland reported accidently meeting him and his wife in the San Francisco airport.
Danielle wrote in September 2003: "I was passing by our class page and thought I would give an update. I am married and live with my husband Dan and our two boys in Mystic. I worked as an art teacher and received my masters in educational leadership with the hopes of becoming a principal-only to realize I had no interest in working long hours! In order to give me something to do while my husband was working and my children were at school, my husband and I decided to buy and sell a fixer upper house in Newport RI. Shortly after purchasing the house I went to meet my tenant who said her name was Kara DiCamillo. Immediately, I asked if she was related to Jodi and sure enough it was her younger sister! Small world! Since then we have fixed the house up and just put it on the market for sale. Once the dust settles we will get another fixer upper and in the meantime I will do yoga, drink chia tea and drive my children to all their activities. My oldest son, Nick is in 7th grade at Saint Bernard's and our youngest son, Drew is in 4th grade. Both play lacrosse and soccer." Her email address is danielledionATsbcglobalDOTnet>
The 2004 Old Lyme Town Report reported that Claudia F. and Peter Shosho married in 2003.
Kim (Gould) Gasco
Email Kim: kgacsoATbarnesgroupincDOTcom
Kim Abraham married Bruce Abraham in June 1991. They live in Old Lyme and, in July of 1995, adopted Benjamin, who was born the February before. Kim teaches preschool in Willimantic and gardens in Old Lyme.
Elizabeth "Betsy" (Gregory) Fiore
Regretfully, I pass on the information that Betsy died 26 Feburary 2002. She is survived by a son, Max Dylan Fiore.
Michael Gregory
Email Mike: mgnabgATcharterDOTnet
Ron lives Florida. He and Connie Lewis have two children, Anthony, born 8 August 1989, and Tori, born 7 December 1992.
Jeff Harris
Email Jeff: jefferyDOTharrisATsbcglobalDOTnet
I moved to Denver in August of 1995, with my husband, Rich Caccavale, who is working on his Ph.D in English at the University of Denver. I work at the National Conference of State Legislatures, read, swim, and spoil my cockatiel, Blake. Colorado is great but I do miss Connecticut and the ocean.
Josh Katan
Email Will: wkellyATsquare1bankDOTcom
William Kenyon
Kim Whitcomb reported in April 2006 that Will currently was deployed in Iraq.
Christopher Kerr
Email Chris: chriswkerrATaolDOTcom
Connie lives in Florida. She and Ron Griffith have two children, Anthony, born 8 August 1989, and Tori, born 7 December 1992.
Amy Latourette
Email Amy: amy.latouretteATworldnet.attDOTnet
Shaye McGann Robbins writes "had a great time with all at the HS reunion,
you are a good bunch and I look forward to seeing you all in a few years if
not sooner."
Email Shaye: shayemrATgwiDOTnet
Christopher Mead
I going to quote his 11 July 2003 email directly because I doubt any paraphrase could do him justice:
"I am
living in Chicago now after a six year stint in Los Angeles working in advertising.
Came back to Chicago (my home before moving to Old Lyme) to work as the VP
of Corporate Advertising for CNA. I am married with a nine month old daughter
[Morgan Mead]. My wife tolerates me. I haven't been back to Old Lyme in 10
years but Marsha, my wife, and I are planning a trip there in late September
to stay at the Bee and Thistle (a place that I was unceremoniously fired from
no reason other then the fact that I found clearing plates trivial and
to drinking with the kitchen staff) . If they throw me out, again, I will be
at Tom Richardson's house who I haven't spoken to since my first wedding (oh
yeah that's right I forgot to mention this is number 2). Tom doesn't know
I may stay at his house. I hope he reads it on this site so he has good warning
to stock the fridge or go out of town."
Email Chris: christopher.meadATcnaDOTcom
Norman Michaud
Norman Michaud lives in Old Lyme. He has two sons, Douglas Norman Michaud,
who was born 1 February 1990, and James Wolfgang Michaud, born 29 October 1992.
He paints and restores residential houses and writes freelance articles about
his hobby of flyfishing. His work has appeared in Connecticut Fisherman's
Review. In addition to helping to bring his own children into the world,
Norman has helped bring some people back, also. In March of 1995 he rescued
some people who had fallen through the ice at Roger's Lake with rescue gear
he'd brought along an ice-fishing trip--and with a large dose of quick thinking
and courage.
Lynn (Minucci) Welch
Lynn and her husband live in Lyme and have four children, whom Lynn homeschools.
Derek Musgrave
Update: after 11 September 2001, Chip asked if I knew anything about Paul.
When I learned, two weeks later, that he was to date okay, I forwarded that
news to everyone for whom I had an address. Pete Shosho responded that Derek's
National Guard unit had been called up and he was deployed in Bosnia.
Email Derek: dmusgrave68ATyahooDOTcom
Gretchen Norden
I married Jason (JC) Glick in 1995 and since then have been traveling all
over the country since he is in the Army (he has been deployed to Iraq and
at least six times, but who is counting?). I have been an elementary teacher
for the past ten years and currently reside in Jamestown, RI while my husband
attends the Naval War College in Newport. We have three great kids: Casey
(8), Corbett (6), and Stephen (1). It is nice being so close to CT and family.
has been a long time since I have been back home. I would love to attend
our 20th reunion this year - it may be a while before I get the chance to
see everyone
Mimi Noyes
Mimi lives in the Seattle area near the University
of Washington, which she called "U Dub" to my perplexity until
I caught on. She does a lot of freelance art and some technical writing and
a way cool email address:
Alexander "Chip" Pflomm
Chip (I asked for permission to call him that, not wanting to mess with a bowhunter, but as he's given away his last bow, it's okay) is living in Massachusetts and working in Boston for JP Morgan, Chase, & Co. After graduating from Eastern with BSBA in 1990 (with Mike Atwell), Chip worked for KPMG Peat Marwick for five years. After his father's death, he quit working, sailed across the Atlantic twice, lived in the Caribbean, drove cross-country a couple times and lived in Yosemite for a bit. Returning East, he worked on sailboats and at an Inn in Newport. Quoting now, because he was more succint than I'll ever be: "Got married. Got an office job with a Newport Hospitality company. Got divorced. Got a job with Chase and moved to Mass with my new sweetheart Michelle." His mom's doing well, his brother (Dietrich, if memory serves) got married and has two step kids and lives in Florida. His sister (whose name, Lisa, is somehow easier for me to remember) is married and has a stepdaughter in Rhode Island.
An announcement in Holy Cross College's alum magazine noted, "Elizabeth J. and Thomas P. Gualtieri-Reed announce the birth of their son, Riley James, on March 5, 1997."
Tom lives on Brush Hill Road in Old Lyme, works in Guilford, and plays Triple Yahtzee and basketball regularly. When he figures out how to play both simultaneously, he'll really have something going. Email Tom: trrichardsonAThotmailDOTcom. He and his wife have a daughter and son, Madeline and Samuel, and expect twins in February 2006.
Paul lives and works in Manhattan on the Upper East Side where he and his partners run a bar called The Pour House. He enjoys the neighborhood atmosphere the bar has developed in its two years. By the end of 1996, Paul hopes to be a New York City firefighter.
Update: After 11 September 2001, Chip wrote me asking if I knew whether Paul ever had become a NYC firefighter. By chance Anne had just found this page, and when I responded to her initial query, I asked if she happened to know about Paul. She's heard from her mother that he's okay, was not on duty that day, and since worked on the rescue and recovery.
Mike Sanders
Mike lives in Old Lyme and has three dogs. He dated a girl who roomed
with Kim Bickel at Bryant College. Mostly he lives on my mother's road and keeps
her in firewood (and she supplies him with her excellent jam).
Email Mike: MichaelDOTKDOTSandersATpoDOTstateDOTctDOTus
Pete Shosho
The 2004 Old Lyme Town Report reported that Claudia F. and Peter Shosho
married in 2003.
Email Pete: pshoshoATyahooDOTcom
Jon-Paul St. Germain
Email Jon-Paul: stgermainsATmsnDOTcom
Heather Vaughn
Heather Vaughn lived in Old Lyme working at the Bureau of Business Practice until the summer of 1996, when she finished her M.A.L.S. from Wesleyan and headed for the Big Apple to begin a doctoral program at Columbia. She will study instructional media and technology, and looks forward to not only producing multimedia learning projects, but studying how digital technology is redefining education as we know it.
2003: Heather and her partner Susan had twin boys in late May, Matthew and Nicholas. One of the books I sent was about a dog, and so I sent it from Gretel and Sagi, our childhood dogs, because I am ever so slightly crippled by nostalgia. Hence this site, in fact. Late 2005: Heather and Susan expect a daughter early in 2006.
The Twenty-Year Reunion in 2006
Drinks at Hideaway, which did not press-gang Jon-Paul and me into washing dishes. Breakfast at Pat's Kountry Kitchen. Hope people got memo re Devil's Hopyard hike being canceled for rain. Dock and Dine, the river in storm. Main Street Tavern. Coffeeworks the next morning instead of, you know, Coffee's. I mean to flesh this out, but in the mean time, enjoy some pictures.
As of 5 May 1996, Bruce Abraham, Kim (Gray) Abraham, and Lisa Houlihan wished to plan a reunion for the first weekend in August: Saturday the 3rd at Clark's Field or Sunday the 4th as a raindate; or perhaps Rocky Neck if construction is finished.
On the third of August, at Clark's Field on Elm Street in Old Saybrook, CT, the Lyme-Old Lyme High School Class of 1986 Ten-Year Reunion happened and was a resounding success. Resounding maybe mostly because of the volume of the music, but I think a good time was had by all.
Among those who attended were Bruce Abraham, Allen Ames, Ken Burton, Anne Clarke, Lori Dapson, Jodi DiCamillo, Danielle Drugan, Claudia F., Nicole Fournier (who is married to a nice man named Harvey whose last name I do not know), Greg Follansbee, Kim Gray Abraham, Ron Griffith, Jeff Harris, Pete Haskell, Lisa Houlihan, Bill Kenyon, Chris Kerr, Jen Kobar Bacak and her husband Ron, Connie Lewis Griffith, Judy Lewis Bedard, Greg Mason, Norm Michaud, Kelli Morgan, Derek Musgrave, Judy Noble, Mimi Noyes, Chris Peeler King and her husband, Tina Perrino Sgandurra and her husband Roy, Tom Richardson, Paul Rickel, Mike Sanders, Pete Shosho, Stephanie Starses, Ron Swaney, Matt Torrenti, Lisa Valle, Len Vidou, Kim Whitcomb, and Chris Winters.
Our class seems to be prolific with sons. Bruce and Kim's baby Benjamin is beautiful. He had at the time two up and four down teeth and likes to play at driving their truck. Jen Kobar Bacak and her husband Ron brought their son Zach; Tina Perrino Sgandurra and her husband Roy, Ryan; and Judy Lewis Bedard and her husband Scott, Devin. Connie Lewis Griffith & Ron Griffith have a son and a daughter, Anthony and Tori; Norman Michaud has two sons, Douglas and James, and Ken Burton has a son named Samuel. Besides the Griffiths, I know of only one other classmember who has had any daughters: Erin Simpson McMahon and her husband Scott (Class of '85) have two daughters, Emma, born in early 1995, and Julia, who just arrived on 10 July 1996.
If you would like to be listed in this site, email Lisa Houlihan (lisawherepenguindustdashcom).