Reading: George Selden, The Genie of Sutton Place

Moving: 30' on the elliptical trainer, level 15 "fat burner," with 2 2-lb. handweights, average heart rate 155, plus a full weight circuit



31 January 2000: Palimpsest

I have to get better headphones with speakers that sit in my ears, not that fit like earmuffs. I'm borrowing RDC's earmuff-style ones right now (along with his heart monitor and gym bag) and besides not being loud enough, they don't block out enough outside noise. In the weight room where I work both an- and aerobically, KBCO is usually playing. I work out to a palimpsest of music, Pearl Jam loudly over the radio bumpily.


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Last modified 31 January 2000

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