4 February 1998: Tigerlily

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treeTigerlily, Macintosh, Pressto

Sitting watching Blake preen, observing my black tights become snowy with cockatiel dust and the odd feather or two, wearing my Tintin t-shirt, listening to Tigerliy, drinking lots of cold water, finishing up writing to go read The Stone Virgin. I've put away the laundry, done some handwash, and tidied up a bit. I do live complacently, don't I? My one rebellion is faith in Macintosh. I'm going to be the doomed athlete swinging a sledgehammer into the garden of pure ideology.

Though I do, of course, recognize the point Macintosh made with the ad, and know it was timely with all the 1984 name-dropping going on, I don't think that first Mac ad is all that revolutionary. Yes, we need to commit lots of thought-crime against Big Brother Bill. Yes, using punks from the streets of London was a good idea. I didn't see the ad at the time--I'm sure my not watching the 1984 Superbowl surprises no one, OMFB. So seeing it for the first time twelve years (I think) later, when I was already independently a Macinphile and had been exposed to all the advertising gimmicks and innovation in the meantime, did not overwhelm me.

I had lunch with Adelia today. Eating out is an expensive habit I can't keep up, but this was fun. We wandered aimlessly half a block until I suggested, unimaginatively, Pressto. "I love that place!" she responded. There's a decision made. She ordered the Farmer's Market that I had yesterday and thought to ask for extra pesto. This place mixes pesto and mayonnaise in a luxuriously yummy spread. So I got one too with my Aubergine.

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Last modified 4 February 1998

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